Friday, September 11, 2009

Ramble, ramble

I've been tossing around the idea for awhile now of keeping a more detailed record of books I've read, and how they have touched me (or touched my gag reflex, as the case may be). I first proclaim that I do not consider myself, in any way, shape or form, a literary expert. For one thing, there is an embarrassingly long list of classics I haven't read (how I escaped high school without reading The Great Gatsby I will never know). But I LOVE reading, am passionate about books, and have a terrible memory, so it would be great to have some sort of proof/reminder of what I've been doing with so much of my time. Because reading IS how I fill any and all spare time I have (as well as, too often, time that I should be devoting to other things). And so, I end my arbitrary ramblings here and get right to the point: books, books, and more books. If anyone should end up reading these hopefully-sensical reviews, feel free to leave your own comments regarding any shared literature we've read as well as suggestions for future reads.
Happy reading!

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